
Foundation Day

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Foundation Day is a significant occasion that marks the establishment of the college. It celebrates the institution’s history, achievements, and commitment to education.


  • Commemorate the Founders: Honor the visionaries who established the college.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Reflect on the milestones and successes over the years.
  • Foster Community Spirit: Strengthen the bond among students, faculty, and alumni.


1. Inaugural Ceremony

  • Flag Hoisting: Start the day with the hoisting of the college flag.
  • Welcome Address: Speeches by the principal and distinguished guests.

2. Cultural Programs

  • Performances: Students showcase dances, songs, and skits related to the college’s journey.
  • Exhibitions: Display projects, artworks, or achievements by students.

3. Alumni Interaction

  • Guest Lectures: Invite alumni to share their experiences and success stories.
  • Networking: Create opportunities for current students to connect with alumni.

4. Refreshments

  • Celebratory Lunch: Organize a meal or snacks for students and faculty to enjoy together.


Foundation Day is a moment to reflect on the college’s legacy, celebrate its achievements, and inspire future generations. It reinforces a sense of pride and community within the college.

Start Time

9:00 am

August 8, 2024

Finish Time

5:00 pm

August 8, 2024

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